ENERGO-COMPLEX Sp. z o.o. ul. Lotników 9, Piekary Śląskie

+48 32 775 67 00

zamów remont transformatora

Silesia. Positive energy

Background information about the Regional Operational Programme of Silesia for the period 2007-2013 can be found at www.rpo.silesia-region.pl

Historical replacement of a tap successfully completed

Following the order of the PSE S.A. from May 5 to June 4, 2014, we replaced a worked-out tap Hitachi LRY-C1 into a MR VRD 1300Y in the transformer 250MVA / 400kV. The project took place in Gdansk (Poland), the whole work was done on the site of the transformer’s installation. The replacement of the […]

The report from the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Energo-Complex

A solemn celebration of the 15th anniversary of ENERGO-COMPLEX was hold on October 24, 2013. Its first part took place at our headquarters in Piekary Śląskie (Poland). The invited guests were guided round the company, we told them about our history as well as achievements and we showed them our new analytical laboratory of insulating […]

Invitation to the 15th anniversary of ENERGO-COMPLEX celebration

We have a great pleasure to invite you to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the ENERGO-COMPLEX company, which will take place on October 24, 2013. CELEBRATION SCHEDULE: Thursday 24.10.2013 900 Welcoming of the Guests 900 – 1100 Tour around the company’s premises (Electro-Insulating materials analysis laboratory, stands) 1130 – 1230 Refreshments / Catering 1230 – […]

The introduction of the TrafoGrade System

The Company ENERGO-COMPLEX Ltd. on the basis of EU funds from the Regional Development Fund has introduced the system supporting the management of transformers, called „TrafoGrade”.

Conference on “Transformers in Operation 2013” behind us

The VII International Scientific and Technical Conference called “Transformers in Operation” was held on 24-26 April 2013 at the Aquarius Spa Hotel in Kolobrzeg (Poland). As always, also in this year’s edition, we did not run out of interesting topics that were presented during six sessions. After each paper presented, the participants had the opportunity […]

The invitation to tender

The Company Energo-Complex Ltd. is pleased to invite interested parties to participate in the call for tenders for the computer supply devices to equip the new server. All the information on the specifications of the devices needed will be given by Mr. Paweł Giczewski: tel. +48 32 775 67 03 e-mail: pawel.giczewski@energo-complex.pl

Request for submission of tenders

W związku z planowanymi inwestycjami spółki, składamy niniejszym zapytanie ofertowe do wszystkich zainteresowanych podmiotów. Oferty prosimy składać w sekretariacie spółki lub drogą elektroniczną na adres: energo-complex@energo-complex.pl Oferty prosimy składać do dnia: 31.03.2013 r. Przewidywany termin realizacji inwestycji: lipiec – grudzień 2013 rok. Przedmiotem oferty jest: Zakup, instalacja, szkolenie oraz uruchomienie infrastruktury komputerowej oraz sieciowej serwerowni […]

The relation from Mining Seminar

On 22nd November 2012, in the Park of Science and Technology’s Tradition in Siemianowice Śląskie (Poland), had place another Mining Seminar organized by our company together with Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Nynas Poland and the Technical University of Opole. It is worth noting that the WUG Electro-Mechanical Department and Specialist Mining Office took patronage over the seminar. […]

An invitation to a concert “Two Brothers”

We have the pleasure to invite you for a concert performed by Józef Skrzek and Jan Skrzek, which takes place on 22nd November 2012 in Siemianowice Śląskie (Poland). The concert is a part of the Mining Seminar, which we organize. The concert is called “Two Brothers” and will certainly refer to the brotherly bond that […]