ENERGO-COMPLEX Sp. z o.o. ul. Lotników 9, Piekary Śląskie

+48 32 775 67 00

zamów remont transformatora

We have a great pleasure to invite you to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the ENERGO-COMPLEX company, which will take place on October 24, 2013.

24.10.2013: Zaproszenie / Invitation Energo-Complex 1998-2013


Thursday 24.10.2013
900 Welcoming of the Guests
900 – 1100 Tour around the company’s premises
(Electro-Insulating materials analysis laboratory, stands)
1130 – 1230 Refreshments / Catering
1230 – 1330 Transport of the invited guests to the conference room
(provided by the organizer)
1330 – 1500 Presentation of the book:
„The transformer management system – TrafoGrade”
1500 – 1530 Coffee Break
1530 – 1615 Award-Giving Ceremony
1615 – 1700 Break
1700 – 1815 Concert of Carrantouhill band
1830 Formal Dinner

Points of the plan marked in red will be held at our office: Lotnikow 9 Street, 41-949 Piekary Slaskie (Poland). The other parts will take place in the CSK Park Tradycji, Orzeszkowej 12 Street, 41-100 Siemianowice Slaskie (Poland).

Honorary Committee of the 15th anniversary of ENERGO-COMPLEX Celebrations:


Please confirm your participation by 10.10.2013
There is a possibility to book accommodation and organize transport.


Wojciech Leśniak
tel. +48 32 775 67 06, kom. +48 607 691 319
e-mail: wojtek.lesniak@energo-complex.pl


 Invitation + celebration schedule