ENERGO-COMPLEX Sp. z o.o. ul. Lotników 9, Piekary Śląskie

+48 32 775 67 00

zamów remont transformatora

Exchange, repair or purchase of a new transformer is a complex operation requiring extensive technical, economic and commercial knowledge. Existing restrictions in formal and legal procedures often make it difficult to purchase a transformer from objectively the best producer. In this regard, we offer a comprehensive set of consulting services that involve choice of the manufacturer, supervision over the production, transport and installation.

Services related to the choice of the manufacturer include in particular:

– Preparation of technical part of tender documentation, i.e.:

  • analysis of operation conditions and the preparation of basic technical assumptions
  • selection of technical parameters
  • preparation of a technical part of the contract between the producer and the investor
  • preparation of detailed terms of reference
  • developing the optimal range of acceptance tests

– Participation in negotiations with producers

– Assessment of tender’s technical part

Services related to supervision of the transformers production include:

– Control of materials used in production
– Participation in interoperable tests
– Control of production correctness at various stages
– Supervision of acceptance tests with results evaluation
– Advanced measurements during commissioning of the transformer
– Supervision of transformers repairs at repair workshops

Services related to the supervision of transport, assembly and on-site tests include:

– Quality monitoring of transformer transport parameters
– Supervision of assembly and installation of transformer in the installation site
– Post-installation tests