By running a socially responsible business and being driven by the principles of ethics, equality and respect, ENERGO-COMPLEX conducts a number of tasks aiming at respecting human dignity. Our company provides financial support to community initiatives, foundations and associations, and takes part in projects that aim to improve entrepreneurship in Poland, leading to the development of young talent.
Our company also supports culture and art by accepting the title of patron of art projects. We have contributed to events such as the premiere of Oratorium Piekarskie for the 350th anniversary of Marian devotion in Piekary Śląskie, concerts of the legendary Skrzek brothers or the performance of Jan Szyrocki male choir Słowiki 60. We have engaged in publication of books, music CDs and DVDs with concerts performed by intriguing artists. What is more, we have also issued a number of materials signed with the motto “Piekary Śląskie – Miasto z duszą” (Piekary Śląskie – a Town with a Soul).
“Man is great not by what he owns, but by who he is, not by what he has, but by what he shares with others.” St. John Paul II
St. John Paul II
Stowarzyszenie Osób Niepełnosprawnych i Ich Rodzin Omnes
A non-profit organization operating in Piekary Śląskie, which was created out of a strong feeling that the disabled community must stick together, help and support each other.
Ochronka Charytatywna – Assumption of the BVM and St. Bartholomew Parish in Piekary Śląskie
Apart from intellectual growth, the activities of Ochronka are based to large extent on providing financial support in form of preparation of hot meals, occasional packages with sweets or giving away winter clothes. Children who are members of Ochronka have the chance to go on holiday trips. Ochronka is managed by Borromean sister Goretti who has specialist education in oligophrenopedagogy. She provides people under her care with specialist assistance that changes their attitude towards others, bringing openness and kindness oftentimes absent in their relations with their next of kin. During her work with children with special education needs, sister Goretti follows original programme based on the latest findings in the area of education and child psychology.
Total Monkey Squad – dance group
We support young talents who deal with hardstyle & jumpstyle dance techniques from HIP HOP dance family.
POMOC RADUJE – Association for Disabled People
The association operates in the field of education, school system, upbringing, rehabilitation, ensuring a decent standard of living to the disabled who cannot function on their own. It executes its goals by taking actions that aim to found a new school and complex for the disabled, supporting Special School Complex no. 4 in Czechowice-Dziedzice in conducting specialist classes by providing additional equipment. The association organises recreational and cultural-educational events, integrating the students under its care with locals. The POMOC RADUJE Association supports parents coping with difficult circumstances and organises classes during winter and summer holidays.
SZKLANY MUR – Association of Families and Friends of People with Autism
The goal of the association is to perform social, educational and care-taking tasks for people with autism and to provide support to their families, particularly within the area of town Piekary Śląskie. One of our main tasks is to integrate people with autism with the locals and prevent them from being excluded, to equal the chances to access education and cultural goods, as well as to popularise knowledge of autism spectrum disorders in the society. In order to break the szklany mur (glass wall), the association undertakes specific actions and establishes cooperation with numerous educational and cultural institutions, as well as psychological and pedagogical counselling centres.