ENERGO-COMPLEX Sp. z o.o. ul. Lotników 9, Piekary Śląskie

+48 32 775 67 00

zamów remont transformatora

We started our business with the production of components for on-load tap changers. In a short time we have extended out offer with maintenance services covering inspections and repairs of tap changers, as well as comprehensive transformers diagnostics. At present, our focus is placed on electrical power transformer operation in a broad sense.

We presented our achievements, among others, during national and foreign editions of trade fair events, such as: Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB where we have received distinctions, Conference and Exhibition on Maintenance solutions in Verona (MCM, Mostra Convegno Manutenzione Industriale) and the international sessions CIGRE (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques) held in Paris.

  • 2002 - “Transformers in Operation” Conference

    In 2002 we organised the first international conference dedicated to the issues of transformer operation in a broad sense. At the same time, it was the beginning of the series of conferences titled Transformatory w Eksploatacji (Transformers in Operation). Together with our partners we have organised altogether 8 editions of this prestigious event. Our conferences feature also team-building elements, while culinary shows and competitions with famous Polish chefs, such as: Maciej Kuroń, Robert Makłowicz, Karol Okrasa, Robert Sowa and Piotr Kucharski, have gained particular recognition.

  • 2004 - Formation of the Limited Liability Partnership (Sp. z o.o.)

    The rising demand for our products and services has resulted in the founding of the LLP (2004). At that time, the company admitted the highest number of employees, large part of which work there until this day.

  • Signing contract with Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen

    A breakthrough moment in the company’s activity was the signing of a contract with Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen. As the exclusive sales and technical service representative of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen in Poland, our company has introduced sale and servicing of selected types of MR tap changers. Fruitful cooperation with our German Partners has contributed to the implementation of numerous spectacular projects.

  • Scientific activities

    Over the years, together with the cooperating research centres we have described our achievements in many specialist magazines, as well as published a book series under a common title Eksploatacja Transformatorów Energetycznych (Electrical Power Transformer Operation).

  • 2007 - Opening of a new seat

    11th October 2007 was an exceptionally significant turning point in the history of ENERGO-COMPLEX due to the opening ceremony of our new seat. On this occasion we had the honour to host at our company our clients, co-workers, enthusiasts and other guests invited to this event for the first time in such a high number.

  • Representative office in Italy

    The constant development of our company has resulted in the founding of a representative office of the company in Italy, located in Lignano-Sabbiadoro in Udine province, Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.

  • 2008 - 10th anniversary

    On 31st May 2008 we participated in a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the setting up of ENERGO-COMPLEX, where we presented jubilee bonuses to our employees and gifts to our guests who had a particular contribution to the development of our company.

  • 2009 - TrafoGrade

    In 2009 we developed a transformer management system called TrafoGrade, for which we received an award in a competition for innovative product during the Power Industry Fair ENERGETAB, with our system patented later on.

  • Transformer testing station

    Building transformer testing station from scratch was a big challenge for our company. Its functions include not only electrical acceptance tests applicable under standards, but also measurement of partial discharge, sound pressure and transformer heat run test.

  • 2012 - OBRE

    In 2012 we decided to bring to life the most modern oil laboratory in Poland. The laboratory that operates under the name OBRE Sp. z o.o. is a member of the ENERGO-COMPLEX group and was founded on the initiative of Polish and foreign research communities cooperating with our company.

  • 2013 - 15 years of ENERGO-COMPLEX

    On 24th October 2013 a moving commemoration of the 15th anniversary of our company took place. We invited many guests to join us in this celebration. During the official part of the event we presented distinctions and awards for our partners and meritorious employees, as well as discussed our achievements and plans for the future. In the second part of the event the invited guests had the opportunity to see a performance delivered by talented artists and listen to well-known musicians. The evening was crowned with a gala dinner.

  • 2014 - Historical changer replacement

    In 2014 at the power station in Gdańsk on the request of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. we conducted a replacement of a worn tap changer Hitachi LRY-C1 for MR VRD 1300Y in transformer 250MVA / 400kV. It was the first tap changer replacement in Europe (and maybe in the world) in such a powerful transformer performed at the installation site with the main scope of works conducted inside the transformer. The task was further complicated by issues related to the maintenance of adequate insulation levels due to the size of the newly in-built tap changer, the “sterility” during the performed works, as well as constant control of the conditions inside the transformer.