On 5-7 October 2011 we organized a trip to Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen company premises in Regensburg for our customers. The participants of the trip took part in the seminar related to the voltage regulation of power transformers under load and they had the chance to get familiarized with technology and production process of on-load tap changers of the latest generation in the main production plant of our partner. The laboratory where switches were tested made a big impression on the visitors. The switches were exposed to the extreme working conditions there.
A very nice part of our trip was sightseeing of the old city and getting familiarized with the history of a few hundred year old settlement in this place dating back to the times of Roman Empire.
The representatives of the following companies took part in this enterprise: TAURON Distribution, TAURON Manufacturing, ENEA Operator, CMC Zawiercie, Kompania Węglowa Mining Works, ZGH Bolesław, SGL Carbon and Mining Authority.