The 5th international scientific and technical conference of “Transformers in Operation” took place between 22 and 24 April At Hotel Senator in Dźwirzyno (Poland), and was dedicated to a wide scope of problems in the use and operation of power transformers.
We organized the conference together with Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen from Germany with sponsorship from Vattenfall. The “Energetyka” magazine took care of media patronage. Over 150 participants representing the scientific field were present at the conference including representatives from the Technical University of Gliwice, Łódz, Opole, Poznań, Lublin and Szczecin, as well as energy and power plants and companies from other sectors of heavy industry. There were also company representatives from Germany, Sweden, Austria, Russia and Lithuania taking part in the various debates during sessions.
The following producers, distributors and transmitters were also represented: ENERGA, ENION, ENEA, PGE oraz PSE Operator. There were representatives from the electricity boards of Vattenfall and STOEN and electricity power plants and heat and power generating plants at Kozienice, Skawina, Rybnik, Ostrołęka, Zielona Góra, Kogeneracja Wrocław and Turów. The Warsaw group of heat and power generating plant was represented together with a similar group from Dolna Odra. Also present were representatives from large electricity power consumers such as KWB Bełchatów and Kompania Węglowa. Finally, there were also representatives from transformer production and fittings companies such as Bezpol, Energoserwis, MCE Idustrietechnik Polska Sp. z o.o., Energo Silesia, GPH Sp. z o.o., ZREW, ELTEL, Fabryka Transformatorów w Żychlinie (transformer plant in Zychlina).
Reports on the following subjects were presented during the sessions:
- diagnostics, management systems and transformer management
- examination of transformer oil and the appearance of physio-chemicals in it
- incomplete discharge
- moisture of permanent isolation of transformer
- deformation of mechanical windings
- prevention of sulphur corrosion
- control of modern equipment using cooling systems and protection against fire
In the lobbies there were some very interesting informal discussions and the results of these will certainly be fruitful in intensifying the work in the scope of modern diagnostics of power transformers. Participants unanimously accepted the purpose of organizing such meetings and underlined the necessity to continue.
After the sessions participants had the opportunity of relaxing during the presentation of Hungarian wine producers from the region of Tokai as well as being entertained by Robert Maklowicz’s culinary show. There was also an opportunity to go bowling.
As usual we invite to visit our Internet gallery immortalizing the meeting “transformer community”.