ENERGO-COMPLEX Sp. z o.o. ul. Lotników 9, Piekary Śląskie

+48 32 775 67 00

zamów remont transformatora

As part of promoting a new approach to the operation of transformers on 17 March 2010. in the holiday-training center in Ustka (Poland) ENERGY organized for employees ENERGA Operator SA training management system devoted to population transformers TrafoGrade.

The participants got acquainted with modern methods of advanced diagnostics of transformers and a discussed about the actual interpretation of the results obtained during testing of transformers in operation.

Also presented examples of the implementation of the system in the plant distribution and discussed the conclusions of the application.

Award for the product
TrafoGrade granted
during the international
fair “ENERGATAB 2009”

TrafoGrade – transformers